
A family name originating back to the 1850's from the small hilltop town of Montefalcione. A commune of the province of Avellino in the Campania region of southern Italy. The town lies on a hill about 1,700 ft. above sea level. Truly a high society.  

TOSCA Artisan Crafts are created with an expression of love, passion and determination for refined, unique and quality craft foods. These are small batch, handmade products that are unique to their time and place. Made with seasonal, local, all-natural ingredients. Limited productions, limitless possibilities.  Bringing the relationship between people and nutrients to a more sustainable and intimate environment, by providing fresh, locally sourced, quality foods with minimal alteration. With core values revolving around the ideas of freshness, seasonal change, local production, intimate relation, transparency, sustainability and integrity. With a goal to change the way people think about food. 

From the start

TOSCA strives to be a sustainable and responsible small business. With a goal to reach out to the public, artist and other business owners in order to build a stronger community together.