The love it took to let you go

I miss you so much

I always will

But now iv felt YOU move past this

It's taken me time to as well

I never got to really say goodbye

That's what I held onto the most

That's what held you back the most

It was selfish of me to hold onto you like that

When all you wanted was to pass

Now i've truly said my goodbye

You've received my message

Iv received your

Thank you so much 

For everything, from my childhood, to these days of mourning

It was all a learning lesson and you've taught me well

I drop this leash and let you run free

Iv purged myself of the guilt I hold and embrace your new being 

Stay happy

You are always loved 

Blind feelings

No walls to build

We can't grow with them here

The vines overcome them in time

The natural growth triumphs the constructs built by us

Abstractions of the truth

Something so absolute

It's simplicity can be missed by a closed door of perception

A palpable feeling

Not visible


Both the puppet and the master

I am doing it

And it is happening to me

Both voluntary and involuntary but all one happening

The passive witness

And the might creator

God guru and self, sit at a tree

Up and down

I need some higher ceilings

I need some deeper feelings

Saying my goodbyes

While tripping on bad highs

I wonder I wonder what you would do

If you only knew

What I was about to stew

Chew you up

Spew you out in a cup

Slurp it down

Wipe it away with the paradox of a frown

Call me a clown

As a wear this crown

Of thorns

You mock me, yet stock me

A drama versus a construct

Both love and sin I conduct

Writers block

This could all end soon

Tunneling sight

Writing my suicide note...

But I have a writer's block...

Maybe tomorrow...



God damn I'm feelin good

Said the lawyer to the guilty

I'm feelin mighty fuckin free!


The light

Within your eye

Can you eat it all before you die

Are you full?

Atman to Brahman

Am I going to die?

You will die many times.

I can hear you be can't see you.

Look with your mind not your eyes.

Seeing everything.

Gone in the blink of an eye.

Beyond words

There is a realm of dimension beyond language.

It's just hard as hell to talk about.

Lonely mechanics

A criminal stuck in solitary confinement

Dying of loneliness

Stuck in this dungeon

Look at him

You know that he's real

Imprisoned not on earth

I don't want any gifts

Throwing peanuts at me

An illusion or salvation?

Turned to a lie

Something that looks like flesh

Look at me with your make believe eyes

Can a machine feel loneliness?

Saved from this barren rock

Torn between what I learned to love and home

All I leave behind is loneliness

This machine waits for the sands of time

Made in my influence in the form of love


A tandem

Glare for glare

Superficial emotions flush

Eyes lock only to franticly separate

Evolution at its work


Elevator eyes

Legs for days

A mane to say the least

This is my stop


Breath into it

Deep within my chest

A stillness waits and rests

Back into center

Compile the strains of the day

Hopes and despair

Quite in the midst of it

A home within

Always present

Be with life, with love

Right to the center of the chest

Finding that place to call home

When your gone

When your gone

That'll be one of the saddest days

When you go

I'll feel an absence 

When you were here

I could ask you anything

Now that your not

My heart hurts

Please don't go

I can't ask you that

Stay just for a while 

I'll let your light in one last time

Now that your gone

Iv lost a way

But I know it will be ok

Million your old ape

Primordial at heart 

Enlightened in mind

So one says

I tell you this creature, this evolutionary device, this man!

Is only but an ape 

Learned to ravage the earth!

And cradle a baby!

This creation the universe manifest

These feelings coalesce

I am but a million year old ape


 To bloom a fruit

Green and bitter

Red and sweet

Holding life

Dropping to a fate

To rot on the ground 

To give life again


My day is coming soon

Wish me the best

This weight on my chest

Let me drift away

I'll be ok

Stay happy 

Remember how I was 

Not what i've become

Mr Hicks

Death returns to the body, not leaving it.

An inversion of reality. Transcending the vehicle that uses senses to decode perception.

The power of the mind, strong enough to create reality.

"We are the imagination of ourselves" Bill Hicks


When I get home 

I'll kick off my shoes 

And relax

When I get home don't be sad

You haven't walked in my shoes

I'll open the door 

And kick off my shoes 

And finally relax

Life raft

We live in a sea of emotions

The movement can be harsh and treacherous.

At times the waters are calm and reflective

But not without depth

Or a lack of it

These feeling come up for air

Floating in my life raft 

I take on water 

Emotion floods 

I become immersed

As the liquid fills my lungs we become one

Drowning in emotions

I gasp for air

Pure consciousness surrounds my being 

My is-ness is still

A vine a cage

A vine bound to the ground 

Uprooted then caged 

Enclosed searching for light 

Using the cage to climb

The vine reaches for life 

A jailbreak

This cage wasn't captivity

But freedom